01254 733163 pa@drbanypersad.co.uk

Advanced cardiac imaging in the North West of England

Dr. Banypersad is a leading Consultant Cardiologist specialising in advanced cardiac imaging services
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"For years I was worried about heart disease because of my family history. Dr Banypersad was able to reassure me with a CT scan that my colanary artieries were entirely normal."

- Patient (2022)

Offering a number of key imaging modalities i.e. cardiac MRI, cardiac CT and all types of echocardiography

Dr Banypersad is a highly experienced and nationally respected cardiologist since 2015. Working in both the public and private sectors, Dr Banypersad is one of the leading cardiologist in advanced imaging.

Why choose to see Dr Banypersad?

Leading consultant

Award winning cardiologist with vast amount of experience within imaging.

Specialist procedures

Offering key imaging modalities i.e. cardiac MRI, cardiac CT and echocardiography.

Multiple hospitals

Visit one of the state-of-the-art private health care centres across the North West.


Dr Banypersad and his team are here to help with short waiting times for appointments.

Satisfied patients

Independent feedback from both patients and my colleagues average 4.97/5 rating.

Who is Dr Banypersad?

Dr Banypersad is a Cardiologist Consultant at the Royal Blackburn Hospital and is the only Cardiologist in the North West to run an advanced cardiac imaging service that offers all the imaging modalities (i.e. cardiac MRI, cardiac CT and all types of echocardiography) on-site at a District General Hospital as part of his regular NHS practice.

Outside the NHS, Dr Banypersad can typically offer cardiac CT, MRI and transthoracic echocardiography within a few days, thereby providing timely exclusion (or risk stratification) of significant heart disease. Furthermore, Dr Banypersad works closely with several Consultant Cardiologist colleagues in both Lancashire and Greater Manchester should you require more specialist therapeutic interventions (e.g. stents, ablations, etc).

Finally, Dr Banypersad is known for his exceptional feedback from both patients and colleagues. This has been collated independently, averaging 4.97/5.  Academically, his work is internationally recognised and holds the 2nd highest ResearchGate score and H-index in the entire East Lancashire NHS Trust.

Tests with Dr Banypersad

Cardiac MRI

A non-invasive test that uses an MRI machine to create magnetic and radiofrequency waves to show detailed pictures of the inside of your heart.

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Cardiac CT

A heart-imaging test that uses CT technology with intravenous (IV) contrast (dye) to visualize the heart anatomy, and coronary circulation.

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A test that uses ultrasound waves to produce live images of your heart which show how your heart and its valves are functioning.

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Dr. Banypersad's associates will help you with these tests. Through an appointment best course of action can be advised.

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