01254 733163 pa@drbanypersad.co.uk


Equipped with education and experience Dr Banypersad regularly assesses chest pains, breathlessness, and more



Academic and education:

BMedSci (Hons), Class 1

University of Sheffield, July 1999


Royal College of Physicians (London), Sept 2005


Elected to Fellow of the Royal College Physicians (London), June 2020


University of Sheffield, July 2002


University College of London (UCL), July 2015

Cardiac imaging credentials:

SCMR Level 3 Competence

Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, July 2016

Fulfilled BSCI Level 2 Requirements for Cardiac CT

Harefield Hospital, London, 2015

BSE Accreditation for TTE

British Society of Echocardiography (since 2007)


Dr Banypersad is an authorised provider for all the major insurance companies, including BUPA (fee-assured).

All cardiac CT and MRI scans will take place at The Spire Manchester hospital.

Equipped with the above skills, Dr Banypersad regularly assess patients with chest pains, breathlessness, palpitations, dizziness and blackouts in my clinics. Imaging of the heart is frequently crucial in establishing the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular disease and cardiomyopathies.

Throughout, Dr Banypersad has never lost sight of the importance of communicating effectively to all my patients in order that they always leave the consultation room with an understanding of their problems and the best way to manage them.


Tests with Dr Banypersad

Cardiac MRI

A non-invasive test that uses an MRI machine to create magnetic and radiofrequency waves to show detailed pictures of the inside of your heart.

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Cardiac CT

A heart-imaging test that uses CT technology with intravenous (IV) contrast (dye) to visualize the heart anatomy, and coronary circulation.

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A test that uses ultrasound waves to produce live images of your heart which show how your heart and its valves are functioning.

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Dr. Banypersad's associates will help you with these tests. Through an appointment best course of action can be advised.

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